Most known for his series “Chronicles of Narnia” author and scholar C. S. Lewis died November 22, 1963.
C.S. Lewis was something of a prodigy, reading at age 3. He also wrote stories of a fantasy world with animals that wore clothes. Growing up he went to school and served in the infantry in World War I. Afterward, still wanting to write, he tried a hand at poetry but did not receive much recognition. Eventually, he became a professor at the University of Cambridge.
While most know of his Narnia books, only a few know of his apologetics. Despite the name, these books do not contain apologies. Apologetics contain a defense of Christianity. Before he wrote these books C.S. Lewis considered himself an atheist for about a decade. His friend, another author J.R.R. Tolkien helped turn him to Christianity.
Gradually, Lewis became a noted writer, going on radio shows and having books created into movies. Do you think his early fantasy stories of dressed animals influenced his Narnia world? Both have animals that talk and dress in clothes.
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