In 1212, Frederick II was crowned King of Germany in Mainz.
Born in 1194, the princes in Germany elected him king at the age of two. Shortly thereafter his mom moved them to Sicily and had him crowned king of Sicily at the age of 4. The people probably did not agree with a king so young as many fought among themselves. Frederick married at 14 to an older woman to obtain access to troops. He needed the troops to take back lands lost as he grew up.
Frederick II returned to Germany in 1212 after having his son crowned king of Sicily. In Germany, he was again crowned king of Germany. As a tenuous situation, Frederick had to fight for acceptance, though in 1220 the pope crowned him Holy Roman Emperor.
Though Frederick II promised to help in the Crusades he delayed, but finally joined the fifth crusade. Getting sick on the way, he returned home. The pope excommunicated Frederick II for his lack of help in the Crusades. He then joined the sixth crusade and crowned King of Jerusalem in 1229.
Despite all this, Frederick II had a tumultuous relationship with the papacy. Often the two disagreed. At one point the emperor and the papacy seemed at war, though they eventually reached a peace.
Frederick spent many years in battle, until the end of 1250 when he died. His unexpected death spawned several legends. Though powerful in life, his family dynasty died out after his death and the death of his children.
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