Good Samaritans come in all shapes and sizes. Fox News tells of a some in “Minnesota boys donate earnings to restaurant after tip theft.” Two women entered the restaurant to order food and left with an envelope of money from tips. They stole about 300 dollars.
When five boys heard about the theft, they wanted to help. Together they took summer earnings and gave it to the restaurant to replace the stolen money. They gave about 200 dollars. I think this example shows how we should all treat each other. No one asked the boys to help. They heard of a need and responded. If we all did that, the world would be a little better. I’ll bet their family is proud of these boys.
More Good Samaritans
Good Samaritans live around the world. Fox tells of the story in “Woman dresses up to take out trash to amuse neighbors, fundraise for charity“. In England, one lady helped bring smiles to her neighbors. This lady would dress up in fancy clothes and hair, then take out the trash. She did this for 20 weeks. In May of last year, she dressed up, including heels, and walked 3.5 miles for charity. She raised 875 dollars. What a fun way to help.
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