In 399 B.C. The city of Athens sentenced Socrates, a philosopher, to death for corrupting the minds of the youth and for impiety.
Socrates lived almost 400 years before Jesus, in the city of Athens. During this time the city required all men to serve in the military from the age of 18 to 60. Socrates served in the infantry division. During this time he engaged in three military campaigns, even saving a popular general. He also married and had three sons.
Socrates also made a name for himself as a philosopher, creating the Socratic Method. In this method, he asked questions until the student came to their own answers. His favorite students consisted of young men.
As Socrates questioned almost anything and refused to conform, he became an annoyance to the city. In 399 B.C. at the age of 70, the city brought him in for trial. They said he corrupted the minds of the youth and refused to worship the gods or impiety.
Socrates chose to defend himself and he lost. The jurors wanted to sentence him to death, but they allowed him to give an alternative. Sarcastically, he suggested they honor and pay him for his work. Instead, they sentenced him to die by poison. Even though friends offered to rescue him so he could live elsewhere, he chose to follow the law and drank the poison.
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