ABC News reports about “Doctor, nurses pack car with NICU equipment to save baby born at 24 weeks during Texas snowstorm“. The once-in-a-lifetime storm did not stop a caring doctor and nurses. When a young mother arrived at a small hospital having contractions, the nurses and doctors prepared to deliver the 24-week old baby. At this age, the baby would need extra care, more than the hospital could provide.
Quickly, they started calling larger hospitals for help to transport the tiny infant. Yet, with the storm no one had the resources to help. Then they contacted Dr. John Loyd. When he heard the cry for help, for this little infant, he and a few nurses packed his truck with the necessary equipment. Then they drove in the storm for two hours to the small hospital. Together with the staff they took care of the precious baby. 24 hours later, they could finally airlift the baby to a larger hospital to receive the necessary care.
What amazing doctors and nurses they are. The mother commented how grateful she felt for their help. This precious baby no has the chance to grow and live a wonderful life, because of amazing doctors and nurses that would not let a storm stop them from helping where needed.
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