USA Today tells about “Disney World ‘wokeness’ column on Splash Mountain, Jungle Cruise, other changes stirs Twitter debate“. This article tells how Jonathan VanBoskerck wrote an article published in the Orlando Sentinel. In his article, he argued that the Disney World wokeness ruined the experience. Instead of enjoying rides and immersing in the fantasy, he would focus more on the political aspect.
Twitter responded to this article. Some people disliked what he said. They agreed with Disney World on making changes to make things more “inclusive”. Others agreed with VanBoskerck. They feel Disney World should focus more on entertaining. Some of the changes to Disney World include changing rides and costumes. They hope people feel more included and represented.
What do you think? Does Disney World wokeness affect your enjoyment? Would you pay thousands to go now? For my part, I feel disappointed. I wish that Disney World would focus on providing entertainment. Children and adults just want a little time lost in a fantasy without intrusion from the real world.
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