CBS News tells about “Attorneys general from over 40 states urge Facebook to cancel plans for Instagram for kids“. 44 states and territories of the United States sent a letter urging Facebook CEO to stop their plans for Instagram for children 13 and under.
According to Facebook, Instagram for children would not show advertisements. It would also allow children to see some of the positive aspects of the internet. Of course, the app would include restrictions to protect children. According to Facebook, these young kids are already online, so this would just help parents keep track of what their kids do.
The Attorneys Generals disagree. They say that the idea will bring more harm than help. Research shows an increase in mental health issues for children online. Also, Facebook cannot guarantee 100% reliability in keeping children from predators. They believe that children could easily get around restrictions, which could harm them.
What do you think? Personally, I’m hesitant to let my children free reign online, even on apps for kids. My two young children have seen and dealt with apps and computers their whole lives. I have personally watched my seven-year-old get around restrictions put on of what he could access. I think younger children can have exposure but should spend more time exploring and playing than on apps. Should Facebook cancel Instagram for children?
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