Fox News tells about how a “Phoenix couple ‘fabricated’ missing child so police would find stolen truck faster: authorities“. After suspects stole a truck in Phoenix, Arizona, the owners contacted the police. Wanting to find their truck faster, they told the police that the truck held their 18-month-old baby when the suspects took it.
Police take the kidnapping of a child seriously. Immediately they sent out an Amber Alert. They used helicopters and other resources to help find the truck. Except when they found it, they did not find the baby. In fact, they discovered that the couple had made up the baby. They felt that by adding a kidnapped baby to the chase the police would find the truck faster.
Technically, the couple was probably right. The police probably do move faster and use more resources when searching for a kidnapped child versus a stolen truck. Still, by lying the couple took resources away from more serious cases. Since the couple lied, the police arrested them for false reporting.
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