5 Ways to Make Christmas Enjoyable

Christmas Enjoyable

For some people, Christmas starts in July. Other people hate to hear a single Christmas song before Thanksgiving. No matter when you start Christmas, here are a few ways to make Christmas enjoyable.

Decorate The House to Make Christmas Enjoyable

In 2011 a family received a little extra help in decorating. A man, high on bath salts wandered into their house. Being in a Christmas mood he decorated the house, then sat down to watch a show. The family’s 11-year-old son discovered the older man watching the tv. He quickly called his man. Luckily, the stranger politely excused himself and left. Maybe this man was secretly one of Santa’s elves.

Put Up A Tree to Make Christmas Enjoyable

Christmas trees are a time-honored tradition. While most Christmas trees come from the fir family, one lady had a different idea. She thought she had found the perfect tree for her and her family, a large marijuana plant. According to the police, she decorated the plant and put presents under it. It might be best to stick to the fir trees.

Finding Presents to Make Christmas Enjoyable

In 2014 two men entered a Walmart in search of the perfect gifts. Realizing they might not have the money they need, the two men come up with a plan and put it into action. One man started faking a heart attack. While all eyes focused on him the other man pushed the cart full of presents out the door. Caught on security cameras, the police later arrested the two men. Perhaps buying gifts is the best option.

Tradition to Make Christmas Enjoyable

Most families have some sort of tradition to celebrate Christmas. Cities and countries have their own traditions. In Sweden, they put up a large straw goat to symbolize the Christmas spirit. In the spirit of tradition, some people illegally burn it down. Since its first debut in 1966, the goat has been burned almost every year. Probably should stick to more legal traditions

Playing Santa Clause to Make Christmas Enjoyable

Children struggle to sleep as they wait for Santa Claus to bring them presents. One man took that a little too far. Firefighters discovered a man stuck in a chimney. While he said he was trying to retrieve a backpack, the jury decided he actually went down the chimney in an attempt to burglarize the home. Firefighters took almost an hour to remove bricks in order to rescue the naked man. Let’s leave going down the chimney to professionals.

With these five ways to Christmas is sure to be enjoyable, especially if you do it smarter than the above people. Christmas can bring out the good and bad in people. Have a happy holiday and make Christmas enjoyable.

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